
Arts & Craft in New York


Why Do Social Skills Matter During Childhood?

We practice essential social skills throughout the entire course of our lives. Instilling these skills can start at home. But sharpening them further can happen as they receive early childhood education. Parents who are looking for...

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The Impact of Open-Ended Questions

Skill development can come naturally to young kids. Despite this natural aptitude, kids still need guidance when developing vital skills. It is a goal when providing early childhood education to make learning easier for kids.  Here at...

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Raising Your Child to Be Bilingual

Learning a second language is a skill that can enhance a person’s life in many ways, as it opens up new doors leading to great opportunities such as career advancement and personal growth. That is why many parents are now enrolling their...

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Ways to Make Sure Your Child Is Safe on the Internet

The internet has become an essential part of our lives. It has changed the way we communicate, how we work, and how we have access to information with just a few taps. Despite its numerous benefits, it can also contain dangerous content. That...

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Handwashing: Nurturing Hygiene Habits in Children

Handwashing is a simple yet powerful practice that plays a crucial role in maintaining good hygiene and preventing the spread of diseases. Instilling this habit in children from an early age, especially during their early childhood...

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Teaching Children Good Table Manners

The development of a child's social skills, character, and overall well-being are significantly influenced by their table manners. According to many professionals in early childhood education, it instills significant values and behaviors...

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